Sunday 19 October 2008

Disassembler v0.1

I've put the first code drop into the google project repository and thrown together a download containing the compiled jar and a couple of scripts to run the disassembler.

The code isn't pretty at the moment, there's very little in the way of comments and there are virtually no test cases.  I'm a bad man.  That will all change in due course but I was keen to actually get something out there.  I'm itching to start on the emulation code and the release of this milestone will enable me to make a start now.

The disassembler knows nothing of executable formats but seems quite happy to disassemble lumps of compiled 68000 code.  My test file of choice has been the Amiga Kickstart 1.3 ROM.
I'm sure there are bugs, if anyone decides to try it out, please let me know what you think and if you find any problems.

If you want to try it out, you can grab the binary release here
You'll need a recent Java runtime environment installed 1.5 or 6.
Extract the archive to a directory and run either the disasm.bat for Windows or for *nix: [-b <address>][-o <file>] filename

-b address -> The base address to use for the disassembly output.
-o offset -> Byte offset into the file to start disassembling from.

Have fun.

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